IELTS Training (International English Language Testing System)
IELTS is a test that evaluates your level of proficiency at the English language. It is similar to tests such as TOEFL and is generally taken by prospective students who plan to study abroad in countries that predominantly speak English. It is also a mandatory part of the immigration process for certain countries such as Canada and Australia.

Features of IELTS
IELTS scores are valid for 2 years from the date of taking the test
You can reattempt the IELTS at any point of time. However before reattempting it is best to do a post-mortem analysis of what made you score less the first time. At Optimus Overseas our expert coaches can guide you on your specific weak points and suggest strategies for improving your performance
The cost of registration for IELTS exam is 6000 - 12000 INR India
The IELTS approximate costs 6000 – 12000 INR in India